1 Year Snapshot of YouTube Talk Show...

1 Year Snapshot of YouTube Talk Show…
9th December 2021 is when I made my first video for YouTube to launch my channel. My goal since the beginning was to motivate people and help business owners share their stories.
It was a difficult decision to make because I knew I would be talking to people and asking many questions, but my videographer friends helped and pushed me to go ahead and do it anyway. This was the start of a new path for me…I began with one video by interviewing Darren Mills from Waikato River Explorer; the response was enormous and encouraging. From then on, I had started Harshmeen Kaur Talk Show.
It’s been a year, and I have interviewed almost 35 businesses. I am very grateful and proud to share the success of those I have interviewed so far. While motivating people who watch and pushing them to learn every day, not from people like Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, or Bill Gates but from the regular small businesses within New Zealand who has their story whether its Darren Mills, Josh King, Tony Alexander, Daniel Hopper, Allan Nicholson, Julia Vary, Briony, Aman Hunjan, school kids from Auckland, Basketball coach, Fiona who is working for the Climate Change, Haley Gray from the United States.
I have met beautiful people and started an exquisite journey; I’m looking forward to working with more businesses and exploring more stories. There are many ways to do business, and one of them is Social Media. I will keep you posted on my journey further, and it’s fascinating.
Thanks for your support along the way; I cannot wait for more opportunities I can create for the businesses I interview, as my goal is to help companies grow and think out of their comfort zone.
Yours Truly,
Harshmeen Kaur

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