Power of Social Media

COVID 19 and NZ lockdown in 2020, what a crazy time for New Zealand(NZ) & worldwide. When this all began, I was recovering from a rough period of my life. During this time, I realized I wanted to do something different in my life, which made me stronger & more determined to work harder towards my goals.… All I knew was that I wanted to target New Zealand businesses as I wanted to give back to the community.
Did I come up with the idea of creating my own YouTube Channel, because why not? I enjoyed asking questions, sightseeing, and getting to know real people. This was a way to share more stories authentically.
Social media is compelling these days. Every successful business in the world has a social media platform ranging from a YouTube Channel, Instagram, Facebook page, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc. and if not all. I have found that NZ is still behind. I want to introduce something new to my fellow business owners, so that’s why I have been interviewing business owners, leaders, non-government organizations & charities to support & introduce them to this new online opportunity to reach their audience who are watching online.
For my content, it took approximately a year for my Waipa Council YouTube video to reach more than 461,000 views for being the NZ council’s Zoom talks go viral as pretend meetings. It was covered by BBC & was in the news in various countries; this proves how powerful Social Media is. I planned my videos for December 2020 and will be posting them continuously as tourism will start again soon, and when people look for information about NZ, these videos will help. Sharing videos will help your business reach those who cannot contact you.
I will be the biggest supporter of New Zealand businesses, and one day, I will take the small businesses global as we live in a world of 7 billion, not teams of 5 million; we just need to expand our thinking.
I would love to work with New Zealand business owners.

Power of Social Media

Power of Social Media  COVID 19 and NZ lockdown in 2020, what a crazy time for New Zealand(NZ) & worldwide. When this all began, I

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Snapshot of 2021

Snapshot of 2021 Everybody will say that we had an unpredictable year due to COVID 19 lockdown and so many more events happening around the

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