Snapshot of 2021

Everybody will say that we had an unpredictable year due to COVID 19 lockdown and so many more events happening around the world. I found that the pandemic affected our country & our normal lifestyle… Our lockdown gave me the time to acknowledge who I am, which made me stronger than ever and more confident in myself.
I was able to start valuing myself more and stopped being a people pleaser. I am the one who has always helped others while motivating people to do something out of their comfort zone. I have helped people find jobs, accommodation, etc and while doing all this helping it started to become overwhelming, especially when everyone started calling endlessly, it made me regret helping people, and I learned that my time is just as valuable as theirs and to help others you need to help yourself first.
Helping others means you can be there for someone when you have time to and when you want. Now I go out of my way to try help someone I don’t know, and they don’t have to know me. This looks like buying coffee for the random volunteers who are raising funds for Salvation Army in the cold, or buying food for a homeless person, or that retail assistant serving me at the counter who does not even know my name and the mask helps make me stay anonymous.
Helping yourself means taking care of yourself. I have had the opportunity to take myself on trips, dinners, and exploring our country where I explore the beauty that comes within. While taking my business trips this year to expand the business, I expanded my thinking, self-love, self-confidence, self-worth and I am enough.
This year in a brief summary, I have met so many amazing business owners, launched my business in the United States, won an award in the United States, pursued my Podcast show, YouTube Channel, and started a number of ventures, which I’m still investing in and are increasing day by day. It’s all thanks to COVID 19 which led me to who I am now…
Thank you to everyone who has been part of my journey today and will be there when I am a billionaire.
2022 will be bringing a change, how we do business in New Zealand and I am really excited.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

Power of Social Media

Power of Social Media  COVID 19 and NZ lockdown in 2020, what a crazy time for New Zealand(NZ) & worldwide. When this all began, I

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Snapshot of 2021

Snapshot of 2021 Everybody will say that we had an unpredictable year due to COVID 19 lockdown and so many more events happening around the

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