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Snapshot of 2021

Everybody will say that we had an unpredictable year due to COVID 19 lockdown and so many more events happening around the world. found that the pandemic affected our country & our normal lifestyle… Our lockdown gave me the time to acknowledge who I am, which made me more vital than ever and more confident in myself.

1 Year Snapshot of YouTube Talk Show...

9th December 2021 is when I made my first video for YouTube to launch my channel. My goal since the beginning was to motivate people and help business owners share their stories.

Confidence is key in business

I am running a business and meeting people but hey, I can’t do a video on social media. Hey, I am trying to sell my products online but I don’t know why I cant still make sales.

Power of Social Media...

COVID 19 and NZ lockdown in 2020, what a crazy time for New Zealand(NZ) & worldwide. When this all began I was recovering from a rough period of my life. During this time I realised I wanted to do something different in my life, which made me stronger & more determined to work harder towards my goals.… All I knew was that I wanted to target New Zealand businesses as I wanted to give back to the community.

Power of Social Media

Power of Social Media  COVID 19 and NZ lockdown in 2020, what a crazy time for New Zealand(NZ) & worldwide. When this all began, I

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Snapshot of 2021

Snapshot of 2021 Everybody will say that we had an unpredictable year due to COVID 19 lockdown and so many more events happening around the

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